The pink diamond is a form of diamond that appears in pink colour. It is a rare and expensive category of diamonds, becoming quite popular nowadays. Pink diamonds belong to the category of ‘fancy coloured diamonds’, which is a subcategory of diamonds. It is a generic name given to the diamonds that exhibit any colour. Fancy coloured diamonds appear in various colours. We can assess the colours based on their hues and tones. Most people love to wear ornaments that include diamonds with pink colours, so their demand started increasing gradually. The artisans use pink diamonds in making jewellery items like rings, earrings, necklaces etc.
We can further classify pink diamonds into various types based on their shape, size and hues of colour. For example, while assessing colours, some of them may display bright pink, while others showcase a pale pink shade. This shows us that the colour intensity level can appear differently among the diamonds. The common forms of such intensity levels are faint pink, very light pink, light pink, orangy pink, fancy pink, fancy intense pink and fancy vivid pink. Along with factors like the colour combination, clarity, cut, etc., the colour intensity level can also determine the price of diamonds. The higher the intensity level, the higher the rate.(MORE...)
Pink Diamonds

Pink Diamonds
